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 The Vault - World Breakout

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The Vault - World Breakout Empty
PostSubject: The Vault - World Breakout   The Vault - World Breakout EmptyTue Dec 08, 2009 11:56 am

The Vault
The cities lies in ruin, the lands are corrupted, dead, deserted...
The cause was unknown, but a strange disease spread across Azeroth like wild-fire. The first symptoms was regular colds of flues, but evolved into more... Advanced... Organisms...
Before anyone knew, the diseased number grew rapidly, and they fell into coma about a week after the first symptoms.
The doctors and scientists were baffled, how could such a disease show up from nowhere and effect alomst all of azeroth?
They took blood samples, and began studying the diseased and comatized, hoping to find the cause, origins, or simply meaning of the virus.

A series of failures and discoveries were found. Failures, to that they could not seem to determine what the virus was, or what it did to the diseased, and discoveries such as immunity. A rough 5% of Azeroth were immune to the disease, and because of falling disease numbers the doctors and scientists began to think the virus was passing.
They were wrong.

One day, at an important scientific research with a comatized patient, the patient suddently started to turn bleak. Skin appeared to be falling off of the patient, aswell as heartfailures and brainmalfunction.
The last thing that was heard from the research facility was ''Lock the doors!''. This was located in Dun Morogh.
Several days later, King Magni Bronzebeard and High Tinkerer Mechatorque issued an order to search the facility, thus opening it's doors.
A searchteam was sent in, finding the place in a bloody mess. Litteraly. Blood everywhere. But no corpses.

The searchteam journeyed deeper into the facility... They found walking corpses. Zombies. The place was filled.
Two out of the twenty-five people sent in returned. The doors weren't sealed when they ran for their lives away from there.
Out ventured the walking dead.

This had begun happening everywhere on Azeroth, even Northrend, even on Kezan. The Alliance and the Horde held an emergency meeting, both within themselves, and then with each other.
They slapped a stamp of ... ''Truce''... between the factions, and started building an underground-bunker-city, later as to be known as the Vault.
Nobody liked the so called 'truce' between the Horde and the Alliance, but the leaders were forced to, given that all of Azeroth was falling appart. Nobody was safe, cities and towns, aswell as villages and single-residence houses had been slaughtered and turned into walking dead. They had to slam themselves togheter, in order to survive.

The Kings and leaders of Azeroth's Horde and Alliance races were parted within their own sections of the Vault, and other races also sought refuge from the expanding hordes of the walking dead. Only but the mighty Dragons, or the in-humanoid/beasts were safe from the virus.
Even though the Dragons were immune to the infection, they disguised themselves as mortals and hid deep in the Vault, along with the other races.

All who got sick were watched extremely strictly, and examined for a week, had the cold/flu not passed by then, they would be either executed or thrown out from the vault, leaving them to fend for themselves. Outside, the vault was heavily barricaded, and guards safely stationed pretty much everywhere, aswell as a chosen ''army'' of surviving races inside the vault were chosen to be the peacekeepers of the city.

Now, as one of the survivors, or Immunes, you must find a new heritage deep within the ever-expaning, ever-growing, and ever-conflicting Vault in Dun Morogh. Perhaps there are survivors out there, perhaps not, but will you be able to find out?
- Basicly, it's a 'ZOMBIE-BREAKOUT, OMG!' idea, given alittle thought but not extremely much. The Vault will be Gnomeregan, and the Gnomes would have allways had their home in Ironforge, alongside their Dwarven cousins. Gnomeregan as a city would never had existed, but was constructed after the breakout as The Vault to serve as a new home for the Alliance and Horde.

- Perhaps the leaders themselevs would die or become zombies, or be replaced, or something, but only time will tell.

- The Research facilities will be everywhere, and serve as ''Death-Hives'', where LOTS of zombies are located. Some mutated, even.

- The Vault is not the only safe spot in Azeroth, but the other safe-spots or clean-zones have no contact with The Vault, or each other. As of yet.
Perhaps, in-game events will be held to establish connections or discovering new safe-zones.

- The Horde and the Alliance are NOT allied. They are only working togheter for their own benefit, and for the survival of their own races. They are given own sections of the vault, where the rules of their race/faction are the ONLY ruling rules of that area.
There are an all-out zone, somewhere, though, where special rules abide to anyone within that section at that moment.

- Fighting between horde and ally members will be seen often, therefore, the Peacekeepers will be chosen VERY wisely, only persons (of any race) who meets the expectations (which are very high) will be given the title Peacekeeper. (Which means, they'd be application-required.)

- The timeline will be ... Pre-WoW, probably, or past-Wotlk. Whatever seemst to fit well.

- The mayor villians such as the Burning Legion and the Scourge would have either never existed or never come to Azeroth.
The orcs and draenei and such would have come to Azeroth, though, but probably would've got here somehow other than original wow-lore suggests.

- Yes, cities such as Stormwind and Orgrimmar would have indeed been wtfpwnd, but Ironforge COULD have made it. If not a zombie would've broken out INSIDE ironforge, the dwarves could've easily sealed themselves in, creating a second vault.

- If this goes through, the server would start at a time where the Vault is ''finished'', with races and all inside, but would be ever-expanding, allways digging deeper into the mountains, further expanding the area which the Vault stretches from.

- Other safe-zones would probably be REALLY REALLY guarded, and have but one or two exits. They would be narrow, small and strict places, probably only holding their own race or faction inside, since they would've been cut off from the Vault and it's rules.

- The safe-zones and such would be ones that had no time to journey to the Vault, thus barricading themselves to a location where zombies would not easily reach.

- The night elves and draenei would almost be extinct, given that they live faaaaaaaaaar away from the Vault. They could have created safe-zones, though, but would generally be in very few numbers compared to the Vault-races.

- The warfare would change to either heavily armed melee, or mostly ranged armies, as the zombies are very slow when at a distance.

- Yes, i said at a distance. When they get closer, they feel the urge to ... Feed, stronger and stronger, which drives them to move faster. Carefull.

- Mutated zombies and walking dead such as abominations, stalkers, leapers, etc. would each be discovered in events, such as scientific researches and stuff.

- A vaccine may be created, far into the game, developed dangerously, but by the best scientists and doctors.

- More thoughts to come. Constructive critic, please!
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Join date : 2009-11-01
Location : Malsheem

The Vault - World Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vault - World Breakout   The Vault - World Breakout EmptyTue Dec 08, 2009 4:44 pm

Ehm, did you not realize that this is basically the same thing as the Scourge's Plague?

It was only stopped because of Putress. Razz
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Location : Carrot.

The Vault - World Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vault - World Breakout   The Vault - World Breakout EmptyWed Dec 09, 2009 8:00 am

Ehm, no.
The Scourge zombies were all connected due to the fact that it had one or more great masterminds which controlled them, Necromancers, Liches, the god damn Lich King himself, while this virus is just... A virus.
It infects and mutates, nothing else.
But the zombies do gather around areas of the living, because of an awakened sixth sence of feeding from the virus.

Now geif more thoughts about this kthnx D:
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The Vault - World Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vault - World Breakout   The Vault - World Breakout EmptyFri Dec 18, 2009 1:48 pm

Seems ok, havn't got much to add.
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The Vault - World Breakout Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Vault - World Breakout   The Vault - World Breakout EmptyFri Jan 08, 2010 1:21 pm

I don't like it, makes me think of the Andromeda Strain or other zombie breakout shit.
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