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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 27, 2009 3:57 pm

Some crazy ass (powerful) cultist/warlock guild could open it later.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 27, 2009 6:51 pm

Not sure that cultists could open it.. since Highlord of the Legion opened it.. Aka Kazzak. So I'm not sure...
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyTue Oct 27, 2009 6:54 pm

Alot of powerful warlock cultist people. Or just some demon again. WE'LL SEE YOUNG PADAWAN!
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 4:02 am

How about... If most of the stuff is ruined, how about having a town or something that is normally ruined, but is not in our server?
Like Moonbrook could be repaired, and former defias could inhabit it. Deadmines could have a cave-in (What's with me and cave-ins?) and that stuff.

Shadowfang Keep?
Pyrewood Village?

And how about Ragefire Chasm became so powerfull, that the cultists and troggs there simply invaded Orgrimmar.
Ofcourse Orgrimmar would have been like, victorious, but they would've been weakened, open for an attack from other enemies.
Like ... I dunno.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 4:42 am

I'm actualy considering all the deaths having been caused by a vastly spreading decease that sometimes lead to mutation and/or memory loss.

In other words: The Defias wouldn't know that they're defias, buuuuut they could still find eachother pretty easily and still pretty much be those red masked people with redmasks who do things together. But we could say that the heat within RFC or simply some sort of magical entrance blockade stoped the decease from affecting them.

But the whole idea is actualy: All The Factions and Most Cities Are Gone or Destroyed, the players have to construct new ones from scraps. Make war against eachother, make allies, maybe even trade things? The only still held-together faction would be the Darkness. The mutants or whatever we're going to call them. But to begin with, I say we'd concentrate on one area and then work our way up as/if the server grows. And the slowly awaking races and people are spread out all over the world, a bunch of orcs could wake up in the middle of a burning goldshire, humans could find themselves in the wailing caverns, a tauren could end up in the plaguelands etc..

And ofcourse Moonbrook, Pyrewood etc could be repaired, it's just that the players would have to do it. Unless it's for some reason still intact in a way that would probably be explained through an event.

Places like RFC would be empty in my vision but still intact. Same for the Deadmines and other mines. I'm also thinking of Thunderbluff and Ironforge as the two.. last standing safepoints, but sadly they also become targets for the darkness.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 4:56 am

The Darkness, or the Diseased ones, or the Mutated ones, or whatever, are what?
If, say, the disease effect all of Azeroth, with very few exceptions, half of the world is mutated, and half just wakes up and knows nothing except their name?
Like you said, a tauren could wake up in the plaguelands, and he'd have to dig into his past.
If the ones waking up remember their skills and abilities, such as druidism and that stuff, they could contact the earth mother or whatever and like, dig into their past.

Also, the Darkness would be different kinds of mutations?
Like, human turn into... Say, dreadlord-like creatures, draenei turns into eredar-like ones, orcs to fel-orc ones, and so on.
Also, is there a mastermind behind the disease? Will the players ever find out about it?
Only time will tell in their roleplays, as they dig further and further into the past, right?

But diging into the past comes with a cost.
Like a titan image said to a dwarf when he got a step closer to realising the dwarven origins: ''Oh, yet another mortal digging into the past. I warn you, for what you are trying to find could very well lead to your own downfall.''

Thinking more about the whole ruined part, i'm beginning to understand what you were thinking...
Like, a group of orcs wake up in the middle of where-the-hell-are-we land, and they stick togheter as they YET AGAIN dig into the past, thus creating a faction, and naming a leader or two.
Say, if they wake up in Tanaris, they find an old ogre-camp (not knowing ogres have been there) and they're like ''This place will do. You and you, go look for water, you three look for supplies, and the rest of you establish our territory.''

Hokai back.

Also, if the group finds other people on their way to where-ever-they're-going-to, they can take them in, thus expanding the faction further.
When they establish themselves, they start to learn the basics of combat again, magic, warlockary, and so on, and then naming their faction.
Let's say these group of orcs in Tanaris named themselves the Bloodsand Clan.
The Bloodsand clan woke up in ... Uhh... The Barrens.
While they were traveling south, they find more and more people who, like them, lost their memory.

But at night, the shadows of the campfire flickers, and strange glows and sounds can be heard.
The one up for nightwatch will not find it fun, as they will sit by the campfire, watching their comrades sleep, but being scared to death.
When the next one is going up for nightwatch, he tells him all about it, and they spot a Mutated One momentarily in the shadows.

When the night is over, they go out to search, but finds nothing, and has no choice but to move on.

Or, people could mysteriously disappear during the night, say a female mutated one (succubus-like) seduces one of the nightwatchers and god knows what she does to him in the darkness.
I know it sounds wierd.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 5:13 am

Yeah you pretty much understand me.

But the people who unite and create new kingdoms/clans/nations/etc don't have to have had any contact whatsoever pre-decease. Even tho they could, they don't have to.

The mutants could practicly be anything but are mostly pretty big or smaller and quicker.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 5:21 am

Should a player be able to go trough mutation, or start his/her roleplay waking up as a mutant?
Does mutants have memory-loss too?

Does Arthas live?
Does Sargeras live?
Does C'thun live?
Does Azshara live? Does she have memory loss too?
Does Yogg'Saron live?

The Dragonflights, do they live?
What Dragonflights lives and what Dragonflights does not live?

I could pretty much make a whole list of those kinda questions xD
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 5:32 am

Does Arthas live? Probably not
Does Sargeras live? He's not on Azeroth, right?
Does C'thun live? Maaaaybe
Does Azshara live? Does she have memory loss too? I'd say she's a mutant
Does Yogg'Saron live? Maaaaybe

The Dragonflights, do they live? Only eggs remain.
What Dragonflights lives and what Dragonflights does not live? Only eggs remain.

Should a player be able to go trough mutation, or start his/her roleplay waking up as a mutant? Possibly as a.. failed mutant. One that somehow isn't obedient to the "mastermind"
Does mutants have memory-loss too? The mutants are basicly mindless creatures except for such that require intelegence (Like a Succubus type creature), ordered around by a great mastermind. So.. unless something magical happens they would have memory loss too.

The Mastermind could be something like C'thun or Yogg-Saron, atleast with the same displayid. He would be in bad shape for direct combat, but he controls many many many giant brutes that protect his home. Just as he controls the other mutants over the world (With sometimes officers, like the scourge have liches in some areas)

The decease was created by this mastermind but how it was spread so vastly and quickly is yet to be discovered.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 5:53 am

Log in on msn, nub.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 6:37 am

I think Westfall could be a nice starting area.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptyWed Oct 28, 2009 10:15 am

I say I'll be doing stuff at Ironforge... Like it got destoryed and stuff. Would be fuuun. Got few ideas about it.. I need to overthink them.. yeah.
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The New Nations A - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:13 pm

Do you guys think Guns and copters should pretty much be.. el gono? Gone.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:21 pm

Flying mounts should be application-required!

But guns... Hmm... Guns, yeah, maybe...
Bow'n'arrows should stay, ofc.
The closest thing to guns should be advanced crossbows, in my opinion.

But how about ze gnomes and their Gnomeregan?
Gnomer could pretty much be, you guessed it, CAVED IN, but the stuff accessable should be empty, right?
Woops, got outside the question for a moment there... *Clears throat*

Gnomes are like super-advanced (with ridicolous stuff that mostly does nothing) but they should have some kind of gun-thing, right?
Like, they've got shitloads of robots and machines, and some of em' can use machine guns, ffs. Damn Blizz.

Thus, our problems are solved for now?
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:23 pm

That.. sounds pretty good. ^^

Next question!

Are we really going through with this? Both the server and the lore?
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:32 pm

I'd say we're going through with it. It's a brilliant idea.

Suggestion 1:
All gnomes wakes up in gnomeregan, quickly rebuilding their city and working fast to be able to get outside.
When they come outside, i dunno what happens, but let's have gnomes be assholes and hostile to ALL.
So when they come out, they're like: ''A group of wierd creatures!'' (Like... Humans? xD) ''Let's kill 'em!''

Some small factions could ally the gnomes, and the gnomes could be the evil empire of ''LET'S TAKE OVER THE WORLD!''-ness.
Thus, creating the first (After mind-loss decease) war.

Suggestion 2:
A large faction discovers Gnomeregan, a cave that seemst to be blocked a couple of feet in.
They decide to get to know what's down there, so they dig their way in and ...
Gnomeregan becomes like London in 'Hellgate: London', a metropolis for the mutants, and perhaps a nesting place for a close mutant to the mastermind, or perhaps
the mastermind himself.

Gnomes outside of Gnomergan, and even LEPER gnomes outside of Gnomer could wake up, like in Loch Modan, and be playable factions.
Leper gnomes could be playable, ANYTHING could be playable.
But races like centaur would pretty fast gather in clans again and become marauding, raiding and bloodthirsty bad-guys.

I'd vote for the second suggestion myself, for it'd be nice to actually have a named Mutant Stronghold to lay siege to.
Factions could team up against the common foe, and stuff like that.

Also, this is in the Eastern Kingdoms.
There should be a Mutant Stronghold in Kalimdor, but left undiscovered for until the fall of the Eastern Mutant Stronghold.
Like Expansion packs to a whole new game.

Dude, do you know how awesome your idea was? Seriously, the new nations is just brilliant, look how creative i'm being to this idea!
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:34 pm

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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:36 pm

Pirate wrote:

That too.
We could merge the two suggestions also...
Gnomeregan is transformed, and the gnomes outside quicly band togheter and becomes an evil empire. Yah.
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The New Nations A - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 1:48 pm

I think the empire should be resting and growing inside a closed Gnomeregan, while other "factions" fight for survival outside. Darkness strongholds could be like.. as suggestions:

1) Mount Hyjal
2) Ahn''Qiraj
3) Stormwind (Yes, Stormwind.)
4) Blasted Lands
5) (Eastern?) Plaguelands
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 2:05 pm

Pirate wrote:
I think the empire should be resting and growing inside a closed Gnomeregan, while other "factions" fight for survival outside. Darkness strongholds could be like.. as suggestions:

1) Mount Hyjal
2) Ahn''Qiraj
3) Stormwind (Yes, Stormwind.)
4) Blasted Lands
5) (Eastern?) Plaguelands

1) There are stuff for that, both corrupted and peacefull, so it's a good idea.
- Side-question about Mount Hyjal (And other inaccessable areas): Should it (they) be accessable?
2) Since one idea was to have the old gods as the masterminds, this is a good idea too.
- Side question: Multiple Strongholds?
3) Where in Stormwind? Everywhere? Most of it? One district? The Stockades?
- Side question about SW: What happens (if SW isn't gonna be a mutant stronghold) with the stockade prisoners when they wake up?
4) The Tainted Scar? (or whutever the name is) Or all of the Blasted lands?
- Side-question about Blasted lands: Should the Dark portal be under Mutant controll, in attempt of usage to summon more mutants?
- Side-question about Blasted lands 2: Nethergarde keep = Playable? Could be a force going against the mutant forces in Blasted Lands
5) Like, largest base of operations being Stratholme and Deathwood area, but still all of the plaguelands are under control of the mutants?
- Side question about plaguelands: Wouldn't Quel'Thalas be qut off from the rest of the world by then, not including the small and probably only harbour there is in Eversong?
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 2:16 pm

Quote :
1) There are stuff for that, both corrupted and peacefull, so it's a good idea.
- Side-question about Mount Hyjal (And other inaccessable areas): Should it (they) be accessable?
2) Since one idea was to have the old gods as the masterminds, this is a good idea too.
- Side question: Multiple Strongholds?
3) Where in Stormwind? Everywhere? Most of it? One district? The Stockades?
- Side question about SW: What happens (if SW isn't gonna be a mutant stronghold) with the stockade prisoners when they wake up?
4) The Tainted Scar? (or whutever the name is) Or all of the Blasted lands?
- Side-question about Blasted lands: Should the Dark portal be under Mutant controll, in attempt of usage to summon more mutants?
- Side-question about Blasted lands 2: Nethergarde keep = Playable? Could be a force going against the mutant forces in Blasted Lands
5) Like, largest base of operations being Stratholme and Deathwood area, but still all of the plaguelands are under control of the mutants?
- Side question about plaguelands: Wouldn't Quel'Thalas be qut off from the rest of the world by then, not including the small and probably only harbour there is in Eversong?

1: Probably yes
2: They (kind of) rule the world, so ofcourse!
3: All the Prisoners could be dead, have been rallied to defend the city when the darkness came (and therefore died somewhere outside) or been eaten a couple of seconds ago. The mutants would control the entire.. burning pile of wreck.
4: The Tainted Scar and the portal area would be the most Mutant populated area within the Blasted Lands.
5: They most probably don't want the portal to open.. since they are most probably not friends with the demons. Or in a very thin relationship.
6: Well, if players manage to get to Nethergarde alive and kill whatever is inside.. yeah they could hold out there. But it'd probably be late-game.
7: Mainly Deathwood and Stratholme, Tyr's hand and the Noxious glade.
8: Hmm.. Hmmidihmm.. You would still be able to play as High/Blood Elves all over the world in the eastern kingdoms.. but the area itself would be pretty much cut off until they manage to fight through the eastern plaguelands OR get a harbour up and running.

Do you think we should have some preserved, yet completely empty of people areas?
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySat Oct 31, 2009 4:44 pm

Preserved but people empty areas... Hmmm...

- Parts of caves. Un-caved-in.
- Places that are hard to get to... Like the bluffs in Thousand Needles and Thunderbluff.
- That Troll village in Darkshore O:
- That Tauren Village by the very south cliff-thingie of Silithus
- Geif Timbermaw hold?
- Etc.
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The New Nations A - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 5:13 am

We should start working on 2-3 areas in Kalimdor and 2-3 areas in the eastern kingdoms..
Examples: Barrens, Durotar, Ashenvale - Thousand Needles, Feralas - Mulgore, Barrens - Desolace, Stonetalon
Eastern Examples: Westfall, Elwynn, Redridge - Westen Plaguelands, Alterac, Tirisfal - Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Badlands - Ghostlands, Eversong

These are quite random examples..

Note: I think the mutants should be like.. defensive at the moment. Mostly just walking around in former greatly populated areas.Tho they might crawl out if a player faction expands.. alot.. The leader could even be dead, only leaving the mutants to walk around like mindless retards who kill stuff.

Last edited by Pirate on Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 6:00 am

Yeah, at the start they could be mindless retards, leaving many mutants to realise they have no memory, making mutants (application-)playable.
A suggestion is we find (or build?) suitable places for the strongholds.
Wait, that's obvious... Err.
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PostSubject: Re: The New Nations A   The New Nations A - Page 2 EmptySun Nov 01, 2009 6:52 am

What do you think about the whole certain areas to begin with idea? To not have 1 faction in Winterspring, 1 in Westfall, 1 in Durotar 1 in the plaguelands etc..

And they are literaly mindless. They can only walk, run, eat, kill and poo.
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